Book News, Public Appearance news, There's a moral to the story

Here Comes the Sun (in the Valley of the Sun)

So, book events are like, what did we learn this time? At the Tombstone Western Writers event we learned to make sure certain things in the new trailer still work. Like the refrigerator and the heater. Because wow, was the weather ever cold, rainy, and windy down there. Thursday and Friday were bitterly cold, mostly… Continue reading Here Comes the Sun (in the Valley of the Sun)

A Brief Moment of Your Time (and mine), Book News, Public Appearance news

No Cure for the Summertime Blues

The typical hot weather of Phoenix took it's ever-loving time getting here. But did that make me unhappy? NO! The temps remained at or under 100* until the actual summer solstice. Now we await the wind shift that brings the monsoon season to the desert. I love the monsoon season. Yes, the weather remains hot,… Continue reading No Cure for the Summertime Blues