Book News, Public Appearance news

Hot Town, Summer in the City…

This title is so appropriate for Phoenix. I know, I know. The weather is hot where you are, as well. But Phoenix at 115* to 119*, is hardly bearable, and for the whole month of July. Additionally, the monsoon has been a non-soon. Again. That being said, a lot of the State of AZ got rain last week. But not the Valley of the Sun. We did finally cool down to only 108* though! You may think that’s hot (and I suppose it is) but at least you can go outside in the shade. At 115*, nowhere is safe.

But on with the book news! TJ’s latest story, Reclaiming Eddie Bond is now available here! This is an adventure and mob crime story full of twists and surprises. Stepping completely away from sci-fic/fantasy, this isn’t TJ’s usual genre, either. I would rate this at NC-17. This one isn’t for kids, except with a parent’s permission.

NEXT WEEKEND: We are attending the Prescott Valley Fandomania; August 12, (yes, next Saturday!) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Prescott Valley Public Library. Here’s the address: 7401 E. Skoog Blvd Prescott Valley, AZ 86314. If you want to get away from the over-bearing heat of Phoenix, or want to go for a drive up north, this is a fun event. If you come, let us know you saw this post!

In the meantime, I’m working on my latest story. I saw a writing joke that showed a guy who was editing/re-writing for the 72nd time. That’s how I feel, but if your book needs work, it needs work, so get on it!

This story will be literary fiction, based on the Prodigal Son story from the Bible: Luke 15: 11-32. The story follows Luke, the younger son, who wants to live his own life outside the tenants of his father’s faith. His older brother, Theo, is angry and embarrassed by Luke’s rebellious behavior. The story is tough, gritty, and the ending isn’t easy. I have a name, but those things change. The first writing was called The Prodigal’s Brother. The current name is The Dirty Edge of the Needle. If you are familiar with the Bible story, you will see this isn’t your Gramma’s Bible story. Just saying.

Together, TJ and I are writing another murder mystery as a sequel/follow-on story to Death at Hell’s Canyon Quarry. MAYBE it will be out in 2024. I started the manuscript, sent it to him, and he says he sent it back to me, but he didn’t. I call him distracto-boy. He’s looking at it, and will send it soon. I hope.

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