A Brief Moment of Your Time (and mine), Book News, Public Appearance news

No Cure for the Summertime Blues

The typical hot weather of Phoenix took it's ever-loving time getting here. But did that make me unhappy? NO! The temps remained at or under 100* until the actual summer solstice. Now we await the wind shift that brings the monsoon season to the desert. I love the monsoon season. Yes, the weather remains hot,… Continue reading No Cure for the Summertime Blues

A Brief Moment of Your Time (and mine), Book News, Public Appearance news, Writing News

When Will I See You Again?

Oh my! The Mirror Gate Chronicles gang had such a great time at the Ghosts of Globe Paracon! Vinnie, our host watched over us, making sure we had everything we needed. The event turned out great! And this year is flying by! Can you believe we're halfway through May already? I, for one, can't believe… Continue reading When Will I See You Again?