Book News, Public Appearance news

A Hazy Shade of Winter

Happy New Year! May God bless and keep you throughout the entire year and beyond. This scripture, Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I am going to do something new,
Now it will spring up; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert
, is my scripture verse for this year. So many events have happened over the last several years. I am awed by God’s grace when I think about my life.

I always wanted to write. Poetry, books, blogs (LOL). But life got in the way. Life that is important, so don’t feel sorry for me that I wasn’t living the dream! I was living the dream, the path God laid out for me. That path was the more important path of raising kids, loving a husband, and impacting grandkids.

Everyone’s life has seasons. Each season may be the same, working, caring for your kids, or whatever. My season for now is writing books like I wanted to when I was young. I also wanted to be a teacher. I was able/am able to do that, as well, in the secondary season of my life: being Elektra’s teacher. She’s my littlest granddaughter. I am given the honor of homeschooling her. But that’s another story.

This blog is about my book, The Dirty End of the Needle.

Luke slammed the front door. He stormed to his car, getting in. The car was the little Honda Civic Papa bought him when he turned sixteen. He drove toward the highway as heat waves rose off the road in the scorching summer morning. These last days of August were the hottest Phoenix had experienced in a few years. The extreme heat in Arizona summers caused weird wavy mirage lines. Very often the temperatures could be over one hundred degrees by ten a.m. Even the northernmost highways in the State were sizzling hot. From the front porch, Theo watched the dust blow up off the driveway as Luke went down the road. Shaking his head in disgust, he turned away to his work. Papa’s once strong frame slowly wilted after Luke drove out of the driveway that day. Like the sensitive plants Mother nursed in front of the porch, he struggled against the heat of Luke’s wrath.

The genre is literary fiction. I am hoping this will be published by the middle of February. I have one more person reading the manuscript for critical content comments. Once that person’s finished, I will send the manuscript off to my final reader, who checks for faux paux. Then! Off to Amazon, Kindle, and our other printer. Please remember we self-publish as independent authors. We really need your support. We really appreciate your support, as well.

This blog is also about TJ’s book. He has me editing his vampire story right now. This manuscript is difficult for me, as I dislike everything vampire or ghoul or zombie. The story is a big twist on your typical vampire book, though. Some will love it, some will hate it. I suppose that is true for all books. In the meantime, there is still a lot of work to do on this one. My editing needs to get done, then TJ’s rework, then another edit, etc… You who have read my blogs, you know the routine. Edit, fix, edit, fix, ad infinitum. After the first few edits/fixes, though, the task isn’t as difficult. Usually.

Additionally, we have several events already scheduled for the year. The first one is at the Temple Library Fan Con at Fan Con; E Southern Ave & S Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ 85282. That event will be January 27th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We enjoy this event for a couple reasons. 1) all the fun costumes, as people are encouraged to dress up; 2) the event is free! The vendor booths, the entrance cost! Zero! This means we only spend money for food. We only spend our time. Sometimes we even sell a book!

February is kind of empty of events, however, March has three! Jump over to our event page to see what else is going on! We’ll be everywhere from Tombstone to Prescott. We have our travel trailer, so we’ll be driving places to stay overnight, as well. Sort of reverse snowbirding out of Arizona to cooler climes. Kalamazoo, MI is one place we’ll be going. TJ’s family reunion will be there in July. He/we have tons of family we almost never see. This gathering will be really fun.

Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for reading our books. Finally, please feel free to review our books on Amazon, if you’ve read them. AND forward this blog to family and friends.

Love you… the Boyers

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