Book News, Public Appearance news

The Dog Days

Good morning, my friends and family! Do you all realize we’re almost halfway through the “summer” months? I know actual summer begins June 20 and ends September 20, but most folks consider summer as June, July, August… We’re waiting hopefully for the monsoons to arrive.

TJ and I are finishing up details on his book, formerly called Lost at Sea. Sometimes you suddenly realize a title doesn’t quite tell the story, thus the changes. Here’s some of the storyline for you: Endeavoring to awaken, the man finds himself tied to a piece of something. Confused, he realizes he’s floating amongst what looks like debris from a wrecked ship. “Where am I? More importantly, who am I?” What do you think?

I’ve also changed my book title. I found there were too many similar titles with out there. I’m only about 85% finished so the name I’ve chosen may change again at any moment. Lots more road to travel before I’m through. This one is a tough piece of fiction. I’m surprised where my characters have led me. Although this manuscript remains tenaciously clinging to nice fiction, its fingernails are hanging on by a thread. The activities of one character are sadly realistic in our world, today.

TJ and I went to the Payson Book and Art Festival this past weekend. We had a ball. The drive plus the event are exhausting, though. We got home early enough, got some sleep, got up Sunday, went to church, and came home to take a nap! I think we’re better today.

We will be attending the Prescott Valley Library Fandomania, August 12. Maybe some of you, our fans will be able to come see us there! The weather in Prescott (we hope) will be nicer than Payson. The temps in Payson were 104*. Gah. But I’ve been in Prescott when the temps were that warm, also.

We are also just beginning another murder mystery. The same characters from Death at Hell’s Canyon Quarry will be revisited. I can’t wait to get through my current work to begin that one. This manuscript doesn’t have a name, yet. We’ll see Becky Tsosie and Detective Alan Anderson once again, as they team up to find the murderer.

There’s other exciting news, but I’m not ready to share it, yet. So more fun things are coming. Please pray for us as we write and go to our events?

You can find all our books HERE. Also, feel free to forward this to any of your reading friends, or comment on this blog. We enjoy hearing from you!

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