Book News, Public Appearance news, There's a moral to the story, Writing News

Until You Find Your Dream

So much time passes between blogs. I wish I was dedicated to writing weekly [on here]. TJ and I manage to write almost each day on our books. I’m not sure what story he’s working on right now. I, however, am editing his Lost at Sea book. This story is adventure, mobster, and mystery, sort of jumbled together. We’re working on the cover. I’m scrubbing the sentences, paragraphs, and chapters for weirdness. Plus, I’m working on my own work-in-progress. The name of that book hasn’t been decided, yet. The manuscript is NOT romance. It won’t be an easy story, either. That’s what makes the thing difficult for me. I’m challenging my norm with this one.

Regardless, we have our grandson this week. He stays with us one week, then he goes to his mom the next. In addition to that, I homeschool the little girl from 2:30 p.m. each Monday through Friday, until around 5-5:30 p.m. She’s a bright child. She’s also not eight years old, yet, and easily bored. But still, she reads books really well, even the big words. But those pesky math problems. Shaking my head. Our oldest granddaughter is 28 years old. She’s married and lives in a land far, far away. We all miss her all the time. Her husband, well we miss him, as well. Plans are being made. Just saying.

June has no events, I’m sad to say. At least not right now. BUT July has the Payson Book and Artist Festival! Hurray. The event is one day from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., on July 15th. We hope all you Arizona fans can spin on over to the Mazatzal Casino to see us that day! I’m giving you a good six weeks notice. What better reason to take a spin out of the valley, up to Payson? The weather will be at least 20 degrees cooler. There are pine trees, hiking, wildlife… and the festival. Believe me, the drive is worth your time. TJ and I saw Zane Grey’s cabin a few years ago. We took the tour. I’ve read Grey’s books about five to ten times each… The measly (less than $10 per person) was worth every penny.

In August, we have a Prescott Valley Library event. This will be the Prescott Valley Fandomania! This will be August 12, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Prescott Valley Library. Prescott Valley weather isn’t quite as cool as Payson, but you should come anyway. By August, the monsoons should be in full-force with cooling rains each afternoon. Every Arizonan longs for these rains. The sooner the better.

The weathermen seem to think the monsoons begin June 23. But every self-respecting Arizonan knows they come directly after the 4th of July. First, there’s the fireworks from all the events around the state, then God begins His fireworks which are always so much better than anything men can put on. His storms knock down trees, flood streets… TJ and I actually saw a palm tree struck by lightening one year! It lit up like a Roman candle. We were kind of freaked out for a minute, after which we gawked at one another. Next we laughed like crazy. I’m sure the person who’s yard the palm tree was in wasn’t thrilled though.

I hope my blog entertains you. If you have any topics you’d like me to explore, please comment. If you hate me to send these to you, please tell me that, too. I’ll stop. Additionally, you are free to forward these blogs. Especially if you read our books.

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