Book News, Fun Stuff, Public Appearance news

Hot Fun in the Summer Time

Right at this moment, I’m having a small issue with WordPress. You used to tell them to put your blog at the top of your page by clicking a box. They’ve changed the language so there’s a toggle called sticky. You toggle it on to keep your blog at the top of your page. Good grief.

Oh well. Now that’s figured out, I can get on with my blog! The fun thing is, we plan to take our trailer to Michigan (from Arizona) for a family reunion! Yay! If we get to go, that is. There are circumstances I won’t define completely in this blog. But they are briefly, family issues, trailer issues, and that sort of thing. I’m shaking my head. We have two weeks to sort everything out.

After that trip, we have the Payson Book & Art Festival in Payson, AZ. This trip is one of our favorite events. We will be out of the heat, and into the beautiful rim country of Arizona! Eighty authors and artists will be represented. If you are in Arizona, you should attend. The weather is amazing. The books are amazing. The art is amazing, too!

In August, we go to the great northwest… The San Juan Islands for a family visit. We will be visiting, writing, hiking… being really much cooler than staying in Phoenix. The ocean, with beaches, is very nearby! This trip will be relaxing, as well. There won’t be neighborhood disturbances. We live in an urban/suburban neighborhood. There are cars, parties, emergency vehicles, people. Where we will be in Washington will be quiet. You’d need to go there to really get it. Oh, oh! You can sit outdoors! Even in the afternoon! I can only do that here, in Phoenix, in the autumn, winter, and spring. Even in the early mornings, here, 90* isn’t conducive to lounging on the patio. Can’t wait for this trip. We have to be back to Arizona for another event at the first of September. Sadly, the weather is still pretty warm in September. Oh well.

On book news! TJ is working diligently on the steampunk novel, The Flight of the Night Bird, which he wrote several years ago. I believe I mentioned that last time I blogged. For reasons I’d rather not disclose, we pulled this book for a season until we could get back to it for a major rewrite. Hopefully, Night Bird will be republished in July. Maybe August. You scifi fans will enjoy this story!

The two of us are also working on another murder/mystery.

This story is called the Yavapai County College Murders. That being said, this is a follow-on to the Death at Hell’s Canyon Quarry, which we wrote a couple years ago. In this new story, Detective Allen Anderson and Becky Tsosie have a new murder to solve. Several young men who graduated from Ash Fork High School are found murdered. Is this event related to the cold case from several years before?

TJ and I have a full life with grandkids, dogs, and cats. We rescued a dog from a Cocker Spaniel Rescue. Spaniel Haven is a great group of Cocker Spaniel loving gals. Our new doggie, Ruby, is a little demanding of personality, needing a walk every day! Except for the heat, I don’t mind walking her and the big dog, too. Shoot. I need the exercise.

Ruby and Cortana.

We home school our granddaughter, who will be nine at the end of July. Home school isn’t like sending your kiddo to public school. Education does not take all day. With one child at home, you can do in three hours what a teacher at a school takes all day to do. That being said, I am not unsympathetic to school teachers. They have twenty to thirty students. I have one. This little busy person is like having twins, though. Her mind is active, her body is energetic and active… She’s almost nine and very much like a puppy. Always active. I think she’s pretty smart. But I’m her grandma. I’m probably prejudiced. We also have our grandson who is completing high school online. I don’t have to help him with school this year, but he’s here with us every other week, so I do have to feed him. That being said, he’s more like a cat. He retires to his room, does his school work, plays video games, and only comes out for food. Not a bad life.

You can find our books here on Amazon. Should you buy and read, please also review and recommend to your friends and family! We appreciate any contact.

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